Our School - About Our School
At Pinjarra Primary School 'We Achieve' by developing an inclusive and safe learning environment through our great staff maintaining high standards and innovative teaching and learning.
The social and emotional development of all students is a focus throughout the School. The diverse needs of the students are catered for through the school's inclusive practices in academic and practical areas of the curriculum. Guided interaction between senior and junior students is encouraged to provide support and role models for the younger children and the fostering of acceptance and cooperation by the senior students.
Pinjarra Primary students have access to a comprehensive Pastoral Care system that provides support for students in all aspects of their schooling. Our School Chaplain, School Psychologist, Learning Support Coordinator, Deputy Principals and Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer are always available to assist all students and families.
Our well-maintained school facilities are continually being improved and recent upgrades to classrooms have resulted in better learning environments that are conducive to student and teacher interaction. In the last few years our school has seen the addition of a state of the art library, many new classrooms, a new dynamic early childhood complex and many other improvements across the school that ensure that all our students have the opportunity to respect, create and achieve.
Academic support is provided to students by Getting it Right (Literacy and Numeracy) specialist teachers, assisted by Education Assistants with specific training and skills in Literacy and Numeracy. Additionally our Learning Support Coordinator works with all staff to develop inclusive programs.
Teachers have a range of experiences - from newly graduated to long serving. Combined with the non-teaching (classroom) and other support staff the school has an enthusiastic and caring culture. We have maintained specialist teachers in some practical areas to ensure that the students are provided with the best opportunities.
Special programs operate for all years in the Primary School in the areas of: Music, Physical Education, Art and LOTE (Indonesian). In addition to the School's Music Program, peripatetic teachers from the School of Instrumental Music provide instrumental training for selected students. The music program has a history of success in the school and community.
At Pinjarra Primary School we're committed to preparing our students for tomorrow's world and every student has access to networked computers and other portable technology as well as many interactive whiteboards across the school which create an innovative learning environment. All classes are linked to the Internet and a computer laboratory is set up with state-of-the-art equipment to accommodate a full class. Students also have access to a variety of software packages for both educational and leisure purposes.
Pinjarra Primary School enjoys an active P & C Association whose generous assistance has benefited the whole school. The P & C runs the school uniform shop and canteen with help from volunteers as well as fundraising for facilities and grounds improvements and other resources. All parents are encouraged to get involved in the P & C even if it's just attending our regular meetings.
Pinjarra Primary School is a member of the Murray Waroona Schools Network which allows us, in conjunction with other local schools, to deliver quality education opportunities across Kindergarten to Year 12. Benefits of our network membership include increased exposure to specialist teachers and resources. Most importantly it gives students access to quality secondary education and training opportunities at Pinjarra Senior High School and Waroona District High School.