Our School - School Purpose and Ethos
Our purpose is to provide an education that is relevant to the needs for all of our students. Our students will have the opportunity to develop their talents and capabilities to their full potential; all students will have the opportunity to achieve high standards of individual achievement as a foundation for further education, and to develop self-confidence, optimism, high self-esteem, and respect for others.
Our ethos is a statement of the behaviours and values to which we all aspire in our work. A shared ethos helps us to work as a team to achieve our purpose.
Learning and Teaching
- We strive for excellence in teaching and are committed to maximising the educational achievements of all students; and
- Those of us who are not teachers strive for excellence in the provision of support to students and teachers, and the maintenance of an appropriate learning and teaching environment.
- We treat students and staff with dignity and in a caring manner;
- We promote mutual respect, trust, and recognition of individual worth;
- We recognise the contributions of others; we use self-evaluation as one component of quality assurance; and
- We encourage self-development to maximise effectiveness and efficiency.
- We are committed to:
- Being responsive to issues that may affect the nature and quality of outcomes;
- Devolution and empowerment;
- Provision of relevant professional development and resources to enable all staff to work effectively;
- Participative decision making to ensure that we are well informed by the views and expertise of others;
- Identification and development of leadership potential in students and staff;
- Honesty and integrity in all of our management processes;
- Open communication and two-way accountability; and
- Working together across all levels of the organisation.
The Work Environment
- We are committed to maintaining a work environment that is functional, resourced, healthy and safe.